Join us on our walk to Glasgow!
6-29 October 2021
From Groningen (the Netherlands) we will walk to Glasgow, where the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) will take place. This edition is of crucial importance.
Although the year 2030 might seem far away, we only have 9 years left to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero. We’ve already reached 1.1 degrees, and the effects are clearly visible. To keep our planet habitable we need to drastically accelerate action.
let’s accelerate!
The route
From Groningen to Glasgow
On Wednesday October 6th The Climate Miles officially kick off in the Ems Harbor in Groningen.
First we will make our way to the city of Groningen, after which we’ll pass through the cities of Zwolle, Deventer, Apeldoorn and Utrecht and many others as we make our way to Rotterdam. On Monday October 25th we will travel from Rotterdam to Edinburgh by train. The last part of our journey will traverse the Scottish Lowlands. In four days we walk from Edinburgh to Glasgow, to arrive just in time for the COP26.
Everyone is welcome: join for a day, a week, or the entire journey!
Joining us is easy, as each day kicks off and finishes at a train station. We will cover about 25 kilometers per day, and the route will take us through nature where possible.
The route in the Netherlands
The route in Scotland
Joining us? It is important you notify us in advance. Thank you!
Send an email to
Urgency: this is why we walk to Glasgow
Between 1-12 November the COP26 will take place in Glasgow. This 26th conference by the Climate Framework of the United Nations is a very important one. The plans presented by member countries so far, are insufficient in order to actually limit global warming to 1.5-2 degrees. We are currently still heading towards a warming of 3 degrees by the end of this century, which would mean that large parts of the earth become uninhabitable. Only with strong crisis management and concise action can we mitigate otherwise catastrophic events. We can already see the effects of a mere 1.1 degree warming. A warming of 3 degrees will be too much to handle.
The solution is near
We can still avoid the most severe consequences of climate change. The problem is not a lack of solutions; the problem is that we do not properly recognize the urgency of our situation. Leaving it to market forces to take initiative will not solve this problem. We need to act!
An initiative by Urgenda
Urgenda is the organization for sustainability and innovation, making the Netherlands more sustainable, and faster. They work together with the public body, a wide range of companies, NGOs, and individuals.